July 10, 2004

Asa Hutchinson -- meet John Kobylt. Here is the not-to-be missed radio interview with Asa Hutchinson (wmx), the under-secretary of the Homeland Security Department -- i.e. the guy who stopped the Federal round up of foreign nationals illegally residing in Southern California. It's 22 minutes of hilarity as Hutchinson a dozen times or more ducks a simple yes-or-no question -- will you or will you not resume the round up of foreign nationals illegally in the United States.

A listen of this is all you need to understand why Kobylt and his partner have 1,000,000 regular listeners in So Cal -- the most listened to program on the most listened to talk radio station in America.

UPDATE: This news story explains what the fist-fight is all about.

UPDATE II: Here's how The Financial Times covered the Hutchinson-Kobylt interview. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack