August 09, 2004

DID ABE LINCOLN SERVE IN THE MILITARY? All the history books say he did. In fact he was a captain, serving in the Black Hawk War of 1832.

But newspaper reporters like E.J. Perkins keep writing that he didn't: "One only has to recall that two of the nation's greatest "war presidents," Abe Lincoln and FDR, never served a day in the armed forces."

Oh and did I mention that before he became President FDR was Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

It's worth remembering. Reporters are hired because they can write passable sentences for the general public. And they aren't hired because they have any special knowledge or because they have any particular insight. They are there because they can tell a presentable story in sound English under deadline. That's it.

Here's a rundown of American Presidents and their military service records.

For the record, I've served in the U.S. military, and -- according to our not so reliable E.J. Perkins -- bloggers Joshua Marshall, Glenn Reynolds and Ana Marie Cox have not. Well, so what? Does that make me more qualified to be on your blog roll? I report, you decide. Posted by Greg Ransom