August 10, 2004

THE NETWORKS are following the Kerry campaign talking points memo to the letter -- and they are even re-spinning the history of the Democrat Party over the last 35 years: "On Sunday night, ABC's World News Tonight, which has yet to utter a syllable about the charges from the members of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, having ignored both their May 4 press conference and TV ad released last week, made time for a 30th anniversary look back at President Richard Nixon's resignation from the point of view of George McGovern who, ABC's Bob Jamieson relayed, "believes history vindicates him" on the Vietnam war. Jamieson painted Democratic reluctance to show off the war service of their candidates, not their left-wing, weak defense policies, as what has hurt the party's image on national security. Jamieson insisted, over video of Michael Dukakis in the tank: "Democrats have paid a price for that mistake ever since" McGovern failed to play up his World War II service."

Contrast the Demo spin of ABC News with this from Joshua Muravchik: "Nothing [John Kerry] has done since [1968] sustains the claim that he would be an effective leader in the war we face today � any more than George McGovern's 35 combat missions in World War II, which won him the Distinguished Flying Cross, qualified him to lead us in the Cold War."

The vast majority of American's knew this about George McGovern in 1972 -- and his service in WWII was no secrete either. ABC News is giving us revisionist history of the fantast variety. These are the middle-aged wet dreams of onetime members of "Youth for McGovern" -- now manning every nook and cranny of the "mainstream" newsmedia. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack