August 11, 2004

JOHN O�NEILL, Swift Boat Veteran, interviewed on MSNBC. Quotable:
The people in our unit are appalled at John Kerry�s war crimes charges, which he has now claiming were a bit exaggerated and a lie. They struck at the heart of everyone in our unit living and dead. It�s something that none of us will ever forget. And they were repeated in his book, �Tour of Duty.� It is also true that his service in Vietnam was wildly exaggerated. Pat, that coronation where he behaved like a peacock at the Democratic Controversy, it made people physically ill in our unit. There is a certain truth in the world. To claim that the guys who saved the 3 boat fled and that he came back is a total perversion of the truth. You can imagine what the people that actually stayed and could have been shot think about that, and their families. And so, this is a guy that treats the truth very casually.
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