August 25, 2004

KERRY STONEWALLS QUESTION ABOUT CAMBODIA. Cable infotainment gets the scoop. Meanwhile, Kerry continues to stiff hand the "official" campaign press corp, which has hardly been up to doing its job, in any case. Quotable:
As Kerry launched into one of his lengthy monologues about why President Bush avoids talking about issues like the economy, jobs and the environment, the comedian interrupted.

"I'm sorry," Stewart said. "Were you or were you not in Cambodia?"

Stewart and Kerry then lean in and stare each other down over the comedian's desk before Stewart asks about some of the other things Kerry's opponents are saying about him.

More on Kerry, Stewart and the press from Powerline. UPDATE: InstaPundit has extensive coverage of the Stewart appearance and the AWOL national press corp. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack