August 30, 2004

"KERRY'S CREDIBILITY is now everywhere in question. Biographer Douglas Brinkley says Kerry told him he resigned by letter from the VVAW executive committee on Nov. 10, 1971, and was not at a Kansas City meeting days later, where the assassination of senators was discussed. FBI and pro-Kerry vets now say Kerry did not tell the truth. He was at Kansas City. Kerry's campaign no longer denies it.

Repeatedly, Kerry has said he was in Cambodia at Christmas '68. Not one former commander, comrade or any one of his Band of Brothers supports his story. Kerry made it all up to portray himself as a secret suffering warrior risking his life in forbidden land while leaders like Nixon were lying by denying they had sent him there.

Now, it appears that it was John Kerry doing the lying.

In "the sampan incident," a fog-of-war episode, Kerry's gunner Steve Gardner shot and killed a man and boy, and took a hysterical woman and baby off their bloody boat. The "after-action report" claimed five Viet Cong dead and two captured. Who wrote it?

Four of Kerry's five medals are now under question either for falsehoods or exaggerations. The more information that comes out, the less believable Kerry becomes.

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