September 02, 2004

QandO BLOGS the President's speech so I don't have to.

My thoughts? The best part of the speech was the video with pitch over the plate in Yankee stadium. For me, the speech was long and the President had trouble catching my ear and holding my attention -- I was dealing with the kids, blogging and doing some cleaning during the speech (a long speech).

So I'd have to call it a rhetorical letdown after the home-run speeches by the Mayor, Schwarzenegger and the Senate Democrat colleague of John Kerry. But what do I know -- Chris Matthews really liked it. The tale of the tape will come in the debates. John Kerry has spent his lifetime debating -- in high school, college, about Vietnam, in the Senate, running for office. The President better have his powder dry and his guns loaded, because this little election contest isn't going to get any prettier anytime soon (see below). Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack