September 08, 2004

SWIFT VET JOHN O'NEILL interviewed by John Hawkins of Right Wing News. Quotable:
John Hawkins: Let�s look at some of these specific issues. Now at the RNC, Terry McAuliffe said -- and this is the latest Cambodia story, and I know that it has changed more than a few times -- that "John Kerry went to Cambodia twice. He was over in Viet Nam and at one point he took some CIA operatives into Cambodia." However, to the best of my knowledge, John Kerry has provided absolutely no evidence that he was ever in Cambodia beyond his word. But let me ask you, in the time that John Kerry was in Vietnam, were the Swift Boats ferrying CIA operatives into Cambodia? And if they did so, was it a single boat or would there have been multiple boats involved?

John O'Neill: John Kerry�s story was that he was in Cambodia Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. That is a demonstrable lie.

John Hawkins: Absolutely. You can prove it�s a lie from where he was from everybody that was there. His boat was never in Cambodia in December or January. What he is clearly doing now is trying to devise a story ambiguous enough as to time and location that can�t actually be checked out and he doesn�t even have the courage to do it himself. Instead he uses surrogates like McAuliffe who I suggest has never been in Vietnam and certainly has never been on a swift boat. There�s no way to respond in the abstract; that�s why they have kept it abstract. What is clear is that the time he said was a turning point in his entire life, which he identified as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; that was a total lie and it was made up. How many people make up the turning point of their life? Now, to be fair, do I know of any swift boat ever going into Cambodia? Absolutely not, nor would anybody use one because you can hear it a mile and a half away.

John Hawkins: Let me ask you one other question. Did they ever send swift boats on missions like that, not necessarily into Cambodia, but alone or did you always go in packs?

John O'Neill: Always in groups of several boats and if a mission like that had ever occurred it would have been with several boats.

John Hawkins: So if the latest Kerry story is true, there should be the people on his boat, people on other boats, there should be tons of people to confirm his story.

John O'Neill: There also should be a record of it and it�s missing and none of his commanding officers all the way up the chain of command have ever heard about anything like this. So it was a very secret mission. It was secret from the people on his boat at least through January and secret from all the people that were there with him to the best of my knowledge and secret from all the officers that commanded with him. It was an extremely secret mission.

John Hawkins: It sounds like it.

John O'Neill: Maybe it was with Santa Claus (laughs).

(Via The American Mind). Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack