September 13, 2004

DAN Rather's source -- Bill Burkett? Newsweek:
A principal source for CBS's story was Bill Burkett, a disgruntled former Guard officer who lives in Baird, Texas .. Burkett may have a motive to make trouble for the powers that be. In 1998, he grew gravely ill on a Guard mission to Panama, causing him to be hospitalized, and he suffered two nervous breakdowns. He unsuccessfully sued for medical expenses.
Ace of Spades HQ: "someone calling himself Bill Burkett, with an AOL mail address of [wrote this]":
"Did I lie about Geroge W. Bush's records. No. Of the files that I saw within the 15 gallon waste can were numerous documents which detailed why 1LT George Bush was grounded from flying including a two-page counseling statement signed by LTC Jerry Killian."
And an Ace of Spades HQ reader adds this:
Hmm - Googling on that email address, one comes up with this nice little article, where he suggests that Bush and Cheney should be jailed, and that the Mossad knew all about 9/11 beforehand, and told us about it.
So, where exactly did the CBS forged documents story come from? It looks very much like it came from a CBS newsman in pajamas finding his news leads in the fever swap comments sections of the moonbat leftie bloggers ... (I got started with this the links at the end of this post.)

UPDATE: Betsy Newmark: "[I]f CBS got its so-called documents from some guy, say Bob Burkett, who claims that he happened to be sitting in a National Guard office in Austin when the incriminating documents were thrown out in 1997, then they got punk'd." Posted by Greg Ransom