September 22, 2004

"THE FUNDAMENTAL POINT that needs to be made is that there are so many more checks and balances that operate in the blogosphere if you compare it to, say, CBS News." -- John Hinderaker debating the original CBS News pajamaman, Jon Klein, a man with lots of opinions but -- he says himself -- few facts. Hinderaker also has this on the "multiple layers" of "checks and balances" at CBS News:
those tend to be people who are all peas out of the same pod, people with the same perspective, the same interest, the same ideology.
Or as Bernard Goldberg puts it, "There is more diversity inside the Taliban than there is inside CBS News."

UPDATE: "This must have been what it was like for the Catholic Church when movable type was invented" -- MORE "Bloggers keep eye on the news" (USA Today).

UPDATED II: 55% of Americas report "Not very much" or "None at all" when it comes to confidence in the full, accurate, and fair reporting of the news by newspapers, T.V. and radio. About 1 out of 2 Americans think these news sources are too far to the left. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack