October 14, 2004

THE SKINNY on ABC News political director Mark Halperin.
Halperin wrote a memo that .. seems to direct ABC reporters, anchors and producers to slant its coverage by downplaying the misstatements of Democratic presidential candidate Senator John Kerry and by viewing negatively any misstatements by Republican candidate Bush ..

Mark Halperin’s idea of what is right may be what is Left. He was born in 1965 in Bethesda, Maryland, the [son] of hard-Left- connected controversial foreign policy specialist Morton Halperin. This fact reveals an entire Left-spin universe in which Mark grew up exposed to his father’s [co-workers] and radical ideas. Morton Halperin today is Senior Vice President of the left-wing Center for American Progress (CAP) and Director of the Open Society Policy Center established by eccentric billionaire international financier George Soros.

Posted by Greg Ransom