October 15, 2004

AN INTERVIEW with Swift Boat Vet George Elliott. Quotable:
Dean Esmay: Is there anything else you'd like to add?

George Elliott: I don't know if this is the place to put this, but, there's one thing that concerns me very greatly, and that is the approach taken by what's currently known as the mainstream media. And I am not saying this to bash the mainstream media, but I think that if they continue to act in such a partisan way that it's not good for this country. A free and unfettered press is an absolute necessity for this country to survive in the manner that was intended by the forefathers. But if the mainstream press continues acting in such a partisan way that they lose the support of a major part of the population, who is going to get us the real trut? Who is going to beat on the doors of congressmen and secretaries if various departments to answer the people's questions? ..

I have very grave concerns about the American people being able to trust what the mainstream media says unless something changes. Maybe our swift boat guys, maybe this will be a greater legacy, will be what we've exposed about the mainstream media than anything we've said about Senator Kerry. I'll give you an example. The closest example to our cause is the fact that CBS admits that they've been five years chasing down President Bush's national guard records. And they haven't spent five minutes trying to find John Kerry's records!

He has not released his records. The last I heard him say on the news was "I have released all the records I have in my possession." He always has a caveat for anything he says like that. But you will notice that one telling piece of paper that hasn't been released is the original writeup/recommendation for the Silver Star. He did release a recommendation that I wrote for the Bronze star. That's out there. The Silver Star recommendation is not there.

Even a reasonably competent news person would in my view ask "where is that?" It's as controversial as the bronze star. It's not there. Where are his discharge papers? He has not put up a copy of his discharge from the naval reserve. That should have taken place in 1978 when his service in all forms was completed.

The press seems to have no interest in this. They continue to call us liars when we mention these things. The facts in John Kerry's own words, as written in Tour of Duty from his own diaries, indicate to anyone who'd look at it twice can see that the third purple heart was a fraud. The shrapnel wound was admittedly from throwing a grenade into a bin of rice. They joked about getting shrapnel and rice into his butt. That's in his own book, Tour of Duty. So why are we liars to point it out? And why are reporters so interested in Bush's National Guard service but willing to call us liars when we've got eyewitnesses, sworn affidavits, and Kerry's own words backing us up? What is the world coming to if the people can no longer trust the press to tell them the truth and look at all candidates equally?

Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack