October 18, 2004

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY -- THE PARTY OF THE RICH. Trial lawyers, movie stars, elite university professors, guilt-ridden sons & daughters of the super rich, union bosses, government dependent corporate executives, Gulfstream lefties, the civil rights industry, Wall Street financiers dependent on U.S. government bailouts -- you name it -- the high income folks in the country are Democrats, and for good reason. The Democrat party is the party of the ethically and financially dependent classes, and no one is more dependent on the government for cash and a quick and costless "morality" fix than are the wealthy.

Teresa's taxes tell you all you need to know. Most of her income is completely tax-free and is dependent on government borrowing (i.e. spending). Most of the rest of her wealth (and her principle business activities) are also completely sheltered from taxation -- masses of wealth controlled by Teresa, disposed of at her pleasure and used to fund such "lifestyles of the rich and leftist" amusements as The Tides Foundation, which bankrolls anarchist thugs doing "performance art" (i.e. breaking windows) in major cities around the country. Rich leftists call this "philanthropy" but its mostly about keeping control of wealth and giving the controller an ethical "contact high" supporting leftist political causes. The damage done by the leftist political activism of the tax-free "philanthropies" has been enormous. More here, here, and here. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack