Though Moore never visited the military hospital and never even met [Army Specialist Peter] Damon, he somehow obtained that NBC footage and used it in his film Fahrenheit 9/11, taking Damon's words out of context to make it appear that he is angry about the war and that his "phantom pain" is the pain of a soldier abandoned by his country and betrayed by his president. Nothing could be further from the truth.Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBackAt this point, [in FahrenHYPE 9/11] Damon looks into the camera as though he is speaking directly to Michael Moore, and says, "You know you've lied in making this movie. You know you lied in my case, you know you lied in a whole lot of other cases."
.. Director Alan Peterson may seem like an unlikely person to battle one of the world's most famous (or infamous) filmmakers. Before 9/11, Peterson was a conventional liberal. But seeing the second plane hit the World Trade Center that morning changed him forever.
"Prior to that moment, I had considered myself an intellectual liberal. One of those people who think that they are superior because they believe they are privy to some hidden knowledge that the rest of the world doesn't understand; a knowledge that lets you belittle our government and nation because, of course, you know more than they do. In that single, horrific moment, I realized how stupid I was."