October 26, 2004


Again and again John Kerry uses his own personalized version of lines from James 2:

"It is not enough, my brother to say you have faith when there are no deeds ... Faith without works is dead."
as both a Biblical support for a leftist political program and as a call from the Bible to political action. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks to me like James 2 is all about deeds done in service to God and the faith, and has nothing at all to say about socialist medicine, tax cuts, the spread of AIDS, Canadian drug price controls, socialist housing, government wage price controls, etc. Kerry has taken something concerned with God, faith, and the divine and secularized it into a passage about Big Government, leftist ideology and the profane. And make no mistake, these are alternative gods. I can't tell you how many one-time believers I've known who have put in the emotional/ethical space formerly take up by service to God a simple-minded and holier-than-thou leftist politics in service to "humanity". What ever Kerry's personal beliefs may be I have no idea, but his sanctimonious little religious sermons fairly reek of that sort of thing -- and perhaps those former Christians turned "spiritual" leftists are the folks Kerry is after. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack