October 27, 2004

A VOTE AGAINST JOHN KERRY is a vote against Dan Rather, Ted Koppel, the NY Times and all the rest -- it's a vote against the whole corrupt / incompetent / political whoring journalistic profession. And I can't wait to get to the polls.

Diana West has more. Quotable:

Here we are, on the brink, possibly, of electing a man who, as an American officer, parlayed with the enemy, and there have been no questions, no stories in response. No thoughts, no curiosity. We contemplate a new wartime leader whose political epiphany -- the famous Christmas in Cambodia, "seared, seared" into Kerry's memory -- never happened. Stories in the MSM? It's tough to find even one. We consider trusting our very lives to a man who has consistently hewed to the wrong side of history .. but we know nothing of his current thinking on those old positions ..

Does Kerry believe the anti-war movement in which he figured so prominently bears any moral responsibility for the mass brutality -- executions, re-education camps, boat people -- that marked Hanoi's victory? .. does Kerry still believe North Vietnam "liberated" South Vietnam, and that the conflict itself was not a front in the Cold War? ..

We don't know because no one in the MSM has asked him. This glaring failure makes a mockery of the media. It leaves us gasping for facts. It also explains the volcanic eruption of alternative sources of campaign information -- Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the newsies of the blogosphere, and a slew of independent ads and documentaries, including "Stolen Honor." Such activity has injected vital blasts of oxygen into otherwise stilted coverage.

But in the land of the free and the free press, we shouldn't have to rely on the unique gumption of, say, a John O'Neill, the Swiftee spokesman who went so far as to write a best-selling book about John Kerry, "Unfit for Command" (Regnery), to publicize crucial information the MSM ignored. I remember well the veritable news blackout on the Swift Boat vets when they first assembled last spring in downtown Washington. The Associated Press didn't even send a correspondent, calling the group's press conference "old news" -- before it happened.

UPDATE: Spoons has had enough. And scroll down for his more extened remarks. (via the Angry Clam.)

UPDATE II: The AP's indefatigable Pentagon correspondent Matt Kelly (yes, that Matt Kelly) is still flogging the Bush AWOL story right up to election day. It's not like WE'RE IN A WAR or something, and a Pentagon reporter might have other stories to work on. MORE -- Ace comments. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack