October 28, 2004

Recently, my son asked me, “Dad, is it true about the Swift Boats and their men as written in the book ‘Tour of Duty’ by Douglas Brinkley?” After reading the book myself, I want to publicly answer my son, as well as family, friends and acquaintances who know I was a Swift Boat officer. It is also time for me to defend my and other Swiftees’ reputations and credibility that John Kerry, his campaign and his many media supporters continue to smear, as they falsely proclaim that we are misfits, liars and politically motivated and funded ..

It is my understanding that John Kerry reserved the right to the final edit of Brinkley’s book and chose, after 30 years of hindsight, to repeat lies, exaggerations and self-serving betrayals about our unit and all Vietnam veterans. Never did my crew nor I commit, witness or hear of any war crimes or atrocities as alleged by Mr. Kerry. We helped secure areas so that villagers could live without fearing VC and NVA terror tactics against them. The South Vietnamese equated Swift Boats with protection, the delivery of food, medical teams and supplies — and not indiscriminate shooting and burning of villages, as Kerry alleged ..

I believe, as over 270 of my fellow officers and crewmen do, that John Kerry is not fit to become President. With his false allegations in 1971 and his meetings in Paris with the enemy, he dishonored those who served in Vietnam for personal political ambitions .. He not only continues to stand by his words and actions of 1971, but he now is using the same rhetoric in condemning our actions in the War on Terror. His lack of character, trustworthiness, integrity and his long-held disdain for our military is still evident today. Does John Kerry have any principles, shame, or credibility, and can voters honestly say that they can trust his words?

Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack


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