November 05, 2004

MORALITY & THE COURTS -- why jackbooted Democrats can't face the truth about the 2004 election results. Quotable:
Democrats seem to be leaning toward the idea that Bush�s victory is based primarily on turning out religious nuts to vote for him. These people are viewed in certain Democratic quarters as the American Taliban. It is thought that if they gain political power, not only will abortion and gay marriage be banned, but so will dancing, rock and roll, and any movie with an �R� rating. This is nothing but nonsense, but is commonly believed in places like Hollywood and New York�s upper west side. They really believe that Bush is the Ayatollah and it�s only a matter of time before all women are walking around in burkas ..

The truth is that the issue of values, which motivated many of Bush�s supporters according to exit polls, has much less to do with religion than Democrats believe. Ironically, the real problem is that [leftists] have imposed their beliefs on America in exactly the way they imagine that conservatives want to do. In many cases, the real frustration isn�t even with the liberal goal, but they way they achieved it. ..

[Leftists] are too quick to assume that all opposition to [gay marriage] is based solely on hatred of gays, when in fact it is based more on a fear that the courts will impose it by judicial fiat without the consent of the people. Consequently, there are growing numbers of voters who are secular in their beliefs, but find themselves within the values coalition. They oppose making abortion illegal, but also oppose Roe v. Wade. They have no problem with gay marriage, but are appalled that a single court in our most [left-wing] state is effectively imposing a national policy allowing gay marriage .. If Democrats conclude that there is nothing to the values issue except religion, they will be very mistaken. Unfortunately, they may conclude that they will have to rely even more on the courts to impose their agenda in the future, thus making the fight over Supreme Court appointments even more bitter.

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