November 11, 2004

LIBERTY RISING -- -- A MOVIE about the street war with America's left this summer in New York city.

The film was made by Protest Warrior. Here's a don't miss interview with Protest Warrior founders Kfir Alfia and Alan Lipton. Quotable:

Living in San Francisco, it was frustrating being surrounded by weekly demonstrations purporting values diametrically opposed to mine. While attending one of these so-called "peace" protests, I witnessed a naked hatred of America and her values. What was even more disturbing was the savage animosity towards Israel. It seemed that the mainstream media was shamelessly painting a rosy picture of what these protests were all about. And after complaining to my girlfriend about my frustration, she posed for me a challenge: either stop complaining or do something about it. So when my friend Alan came up for a visit, we decided to attend a rally with our own message, challenging their positions. We had no idea it would lead to a national grass-roots movement.
Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack