November 12, 2004

[Leftists] have concocted a fantasy version of America, where all of the nation�s brain-power and productivity reside in the blue states, while red America is a land of trailer parks, country-music bars, tractor-pulls and Klan rallies .. [While there] may be more money in New York and California than in Oklahoma and Indiana .. most of the people in the blue states who�ve created that wealth voted for Bush. According to exit polls, Bush got 63% of the vote of those with incomes of $200,000 and up. And the cops, firefighters and physicians who keep the cultural elitists safe and well? They voted for Bush too. Likewise the farmers who keep them fed and the contractors and construction workers who build their homes, offices and roads ..

Despite the wealth of Wall Street, and mansions in Beverly Hills, Blue America is rife with urban decay, illegal immigrants, poverty, crime, taxes and gargantuan government. California is bankrupt. New Jersey is chronically corrupt .. Taxes are so high in Kerry�s home state that there�s an ongoing middle-class flight. Massachusetts lost more than 79,000 residents in the past 12 years.

Factories move from Michigan and Pennsylvania to Tennessee and South Carolina, not in the opposition direction. Overtaxed, government- heavy, welfare- friendly, de-industrializing � no wonder the left thinks Blue America is nirvana.

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