November 15, 2004

DAVID BRODER with breaking news -- BimboPundit Maureen Dowd of the NY Times is completely unhinged. Thanks for the update, David.

In other news, Broder points out that 50 percent of those who voted for Bush were against civil unions for sex partners of the same sex. However, Broder fails to point out that Bush himself supports civil unions, as he plainly stated in an interview a few weeks before the election. (Bush's position is essentially the same as that of Blue State governor Arnold Schwarzenegger). So 50 percent of Bush's voters supported him despite their opposition to his stand on civil unions. On other side of the ledger, Broder reports that 12% of the Bush vote favored marriages for gay sex partners, and 38% favored civil unions for these folks.

The vast majority of press bias comes in the form of what doesn't get reported, or what doesn't get attention brought to it. When the overwhelming bulk of the news comes from the same time worn Blue State folks with a time worn Blue State outlook on the world, the news ends up coming to you through dark and thick Blue colored glasses. But those in the cocoon wearing the team approved glasses have no idea, everyone -- everyone -- they know sees the world in exactly the same Blue shades.

UPDATE: Breaking news -- Tom Brokaw reports that he has a Republican friend. One Republican friend. Gee. That's great Tom. His friend lives in Iowa. Tom calls him up all the time. Really. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack