November 15, 2004

DID YOU NOTICE HOW BUSH is expending his hard earned political capital in the first weeks after the election? He's spending it on illegal aliens from Mexico and on the appointment of Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General, ie. on a Bush buddy who 1) opposes equal rights; and 2) botched the government's legal brief on the detainment of terrorists captured in Afghanistan and Iraq. Huge number of folks voted for President Bush who oppose mass illegal immigration, don't support affirmative action, and believe in some minimal application of the rule of law in the case of non-citizens detained by the Federal government. So Bush is expending political capital right out of the box against his own supporters. When your ex-President father is most famous for doing exactly the same thing -- remember the "no new taxes" lie? -- and was thrown out of the Presidency by his own voters for doing so, you might have thought that Bush Jr. wouldn't be so ready to poke a finger in the eye of the ones who brung him to the dance. One might have thought .. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack