December 02, 2004

SEN. HILLARY CLINTON will own the anti-illegal immigration vote when she runs for President in 2008, as ParaPundit explains. It's the #1 national security threat facing America. Taking a stand firmly on the left on border security will be a very bad place for the Republican party to be come 2008, especially if -- as is likely -- we will be hit by another terrorist attack from within our borders made possible by the irresponsible policies of President Bush and the Republican party. If you want to see party re-alignment, imagine an American city lost because a Republican President and a Republican Congress would not make our borders safe.

And on a related matter, enjoy this from PoliPundit:

Peter Beinart makes the case that, if [the left] is to win at the ballot box, it must become firmly anti-terrorist, just as mid-20th-century [leftists] had to become anti-Communists.
"had to" .. "must become" .. I confess, I laughed out loud.

UPDATE: InstaPundit has more. Posted by Greg Ransom