December 03, 2004

HUGH HEWITT GETS a letter from the Uncle of a fallen American hero (scroll down). Quotable:
Once the shock and denial is gone, you have to deal with the reality -- that JP's human form will never touch you or talk to you again. Although his death instantly challenged me to rethink my position about the war in Iraq, and dozens of other "what ifs" which resulted in JP not dying, the reality actually made my resolve stronger than ever to support the effort of all of our brave men and women and to speak up when people suggest that it is "the wrong war" or that JP's death was a waste. To say the later is never to have known JP. However, unlike me, JP's mother (my sister) and his father did not hesitate -- they did not question -- they did not doubt -- they knew and understood the meaning of JP's life ..
Posted by Greg Ransom