December 03, 2004

ANDREW SULLIVAN has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. I can't tell you how serious this condition can be -- or what a life-saver a C-PAP machine is for those with sleep apnea. The lack of sleep is a leading killer in America -- and a leading cause of daily misery for millions. If you have a sleep problem, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to go in and get the sleep test that Andrew Sullivan has just taken. For more on the topic, let me strongly recommend William Dement's The Promise of Sleep : A Pioneer in Sleep Medicine Explores the Vital Connection Between Health, Happiness, and a Good Night's Sleep. Not only is this a great book, well written and full of information, it also happens to be authored by the man who could rightly be called the Charles Darwin of sleep science. If that weren't enough, Demen also single-handedly pioneered medical sleep centers and the modern treatment of sleep apnea. This is a remarkable story in itself.

UPDATE: Find the basics on sleep apnea here. A beginners ABC's of sleep are presented in William Dement, "What All Undergraduates Should Know About How Their Sleeping Lives Affect Their Waking Lives."

Sullivan links to this first person account of sleep apnea. Posted by Greg Ransom