December 21, 2004

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION -- here are some things I know about it:
I work part-time in sales. Now and then I run into folks who have been victims of identity theft. Almost every victim tells of being victimized by illegal aliens.

A major Burger King franchisee in Orange County actively recruits illegal aliens for his restaurants -- and he prefers hiring illegals over American citizens. But not only does he hire them, he helps them get the fake documents they need to work. What I've been told is that illegals like to use the social security numbers of dead people.

Construction in Orange County is dominated by immigrants -- you see a few aging American natives still struggling to hold on in the trades, but that's about it. When you hire a contractor what you get is an American native running the business and a crew of immigrants -- mostly illegal -- doing all the work.

Illegals working in California travel north to Oregon and Washington to obtain identification -- sometimes illegally from corrupt public officials.

Young Iranians living in Germany have used fake passports obtained in Portugal to enter and work in the United States.

Many illegals carry a wad of cash when shopping -- they live and work "off the books" in the cash-only economy outside the reach of government regulations, social security deductions, and income taxation. If they are buying an expensive item, they typically do so with hundred dollar bills.

Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack