"we've got people streaming across .. .[Bush cuts himself off]"It's clear to me that Bush wants open borders with lots of paper-work and citizenship granted instantly to newborns and on time-delay for mom and dad. Why does he want open borders? This isn't rocket science folks -- he wants it so that U.S. businesses can pay poverty level wages for working-class laborers, folks who will derive most of their wealth in America not from their employer's puny paycheck but though the high-value benefits paid for by American taxpayers -- free medical care, free K-12 education, subsidized housing, subsidized college, subsidized food, subsidized telephone, etc., etc."I can't tell you the number of small-business owners during the course of the campaign that I saw ... [Bush cuts himself off]"
"we have a world in which a lot of good, decent U.S. employers can't find work .. [Bush cuts himself off] ... laying tar in September in Texas, or August ... "
"This is not a citizenship. I strongly oppose instant citizenship. I think all that would do is cause the problem to occur again. I believe that if they want to be a citizen, they need to get in line like the other people have done. And if Congress is worried about logjams for certain countries' becoming citizens, they need to change that part of the law."
This is why mass imigration is so important to the the U.S. business community -- labor costs can be shifted away from business and dumped via government on middle- class taxpayers. So make no mistake about it. The President's open borders plan is all about benefitting businesses who would prefer to pay poverty level wages -- screw the taxpayers and screw the working-class laborers born in America.
Posted by Greg Ransom
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