February 15, 2005

HUGH HEWITT, Glenn Reynolds and John Hinderaker were interviewed today by Larry Kudlow on the topic of Easongate and the blogs. Excerpts:
HH: [Eason Jordan] had done it before. That's the point I want to make. It's not just that the tape is concealed. Eason Jordan in Portugal, in November, said that the American military had targeted and killed ten journalists, and that the American military had tortured journalists. He said he believed those reports ..

JH: The mainstream reporting on this story has been absolutely terrible. They've really covered up the fact that Eason Jordan is a serial slanderer of the American troops, and that's a key fact here ..

GR: The blogosphere wanted to see the [DAVOS] tape made public more than it wanted to see Eason Jordan leave CNN. CNN apparently would rather see Eason Jordan leave than see the tape made public .. What CNN did .. was they dug a hole, climbed in, and pulled the hole in after them." That just doesn't work, and it leads people to assume that whatever you're hiding is worse than what people already know.

Watch the video here.

UPDATE: If you can stomach David Gergen, there's a PBS "News Hour" interview with Jeff Rosen, Jim Geraghty and Gergen on the topic of Easgate and the blogosphere. The discussion wanders all over the place and has a very high drivel quotient, but Easongate obsessives will want to take a look. Posted by Greg Ransom