March 08, 2005

AN INTERVIEW with philosopher Marjorie Grene -- living legend. Quotable:
BLVR: That reminds me, I forgot to ask about Richard Rorty. You’re friends with him, though you don’t agree with his philosophy?

MG: We are friends, but you can’t agree with his philosophy. It doesn’t exist! He’s a wit! He should’ve lived in the eighteenth century. He just makes clever remarks that don’t mean anything. The thing about Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature is based on a total misinterpretation of Kant. It’s totally wrong about Kant, and I’m sort of a Kant person.

Her latest books:
The Philosophy of Biology : An Episodic History

The Philosophy of Marjorie Grene

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire : A Visionary Naturalist

Posted by Greg Ransom