March 08, 2005

"EASONGATE" and the "targeting" of journalists by U.S. troops -- the managing editor of Reuters weighs in:
In April, 2003, one of our cameramen was killed when a U.S. tank fired on the Palestine Hotel, where the world's journalists were gathered. It seems the tank commander did not know journalists were there ..

In August of the same year, one of our cameramen was killed because a U.S. soldier apparently thought his camera was a grenade launcher - even after he had been given permission to film by other soldiers ..

Last November, one of our cameramen was killed because he was filming with insurgents, or as The New York Times was told, he was "with the bad guys."

Note well the scare quotes around "bad guys" -- if there is something skewed about calling terrorist who are massacring civilians with car bombs "bad guys." Posted by Greg Ransom