The measure won 56-44 but yet to be challenged in the courts. But not to fear, the racist group La Raza -- "The Race" -- plans to challenge the law in Federal court in the very near future.
Democrats seem to be leaning toward the idea that Bush�s victory is based primarily on turning out religious nuts to vote for him. These people are viewed in certain Democratic quarters as the American Taliban. It is thought that if they gain political power, not only will abortion and gay marriage be banned, but so will dancing, rock and roll, and any movie with an �R� rating. This is nothing but nonsense, but is commonly believed in places like Hollywood and New York�s upper west side. They really believe that Bush is the Ayatollah and it�s only a matter of time before all women are walking around in burkas ..The truth is that the issue of values, which motivated many of Bush�s supporters according to exit polls, has much less to do with religion than Democrats believe. Ironically, the real problem is that [leftists] have imposed their beliefs on America in exactly the way they imagine that conservatives want to do. In many cases, the real frustration isn�t even with the liberal goal, but they way they achieved it. ..
[Leftists] are too quick to assume that all opposition to [gay marriage] is based solely on hatred of gays, when in fact it is based more on a fear that the courts will impose it by judicial fiat without the consent of the people. Consequently, there are growing numbers of voters who are secular in their beliefs, but find themselves within the values coalition. They oppose making abortion illegal, but also oppose Roe v. Wade. They have no problem with gay marriage, but are appalled that a single court in our most [left-wing] state is effectively imposing a national policy allowing gay marriage .. If Democrats conclude that there is nothing to the values issue except religion, they will be very mistaken. Unfortunately, they may conclude that they will have to rely even more on the courts to impose their agenda in the future, thus making the fight over Supreme Court appointments even more bitter.
[these are] people whose votes are motivated, above all, by their opposition to abortion and gay rights, and in the background, opposition to minority rights.
"I can't believe I'm losing to this idiot."On the Swift Vets:
"It's a pack of f---ing lies, what they're saying about me."Via Betsy who also has more Dan Rather fun.
I grew up in Missouri and most of my family voted for Bush, so I am going to be the one to say it: The election results reflect the decision of the right wing to cultivate and exploit ignorance in the citizenry. I suppose the good news is that 55 million Americans have evaded the ignorance-inducing machine. But 58 million have not. (Well, almost 58 million�my relatives are not ignorant, they are just greedy and full of classic Republican feelings of superiority.)
Schwarzenegger [responded to] a question about whether he would consider proposals to raise taxes from Democrats:(via ACE who's don't miss funny on this one.)"Why would I listen to losers?" the governor asked. "Let's be honest."
UPDATE: California Insider has the full Schwarzenegger transcript.
Compare also "Left out in San Francisco."
But it's not just New York and San Francisco. I'm guessing that this sort of conversation could be heard on University campuses across America. Quotable:
George Bush got reelected by a bunch of gay-hating bigots, religious fanatics � a bunch of gun owners�Read this for an alternative perspective.
UPDATE: Professor Bainbridge has more on this topic, with additional links. See also Bainbridge on Bush, morality and the libertarians.
Note that Bush's support actually dropped among Protestants, Bush's only significant demographic slippage.
Data thanks to Michael Crane, author of The Political Junkie Handbook.
I think if Kerry were to win this in a tight race, I think there would be an effort to mount a coup, quite frankly.Note well. Bill Moyers was not joking.
Read also this.
(via PoliPundit).
As much as anyone, the POW wives of Vietnam, who stood against the Democratic nominee for president and for the Republican, can claim credit for the Bush victory. Everyone with a computer in America, and a lot of people with TVs, saw their testimony about the 1970s, and their husbands, and John Kerry. You could not come away from their white-haired, soft-faced, big-eyeglasses visages without thinking: He should not be commander in chief.-- MORE.
UPDATE: The growth rate is 3.5% and unemployment is below its 30 year average -- in today's NY Times Tom Friedman calls this a "stagnant economy".
In other words, there are a third again as many Americans in Red county America as there are in Blue county America -- and Red county America is more than four times the size of Blue county America (excludes Alaska).
The dramatic story of Steve Ipsen's chance appearance on KFI's John and Ken show -- and how that appearance inspired Broadcom's Henry Nicholas and others across the state to take down Prop. 66 in the final days before the election -- was told today on the John and Ken show. Nicholas had never participated in politics before in his life. But in the course of less than a week, Nicholas and an inspired force of Broadcom volunteers had teamed with Gray Davis, Jerry Brown, Pete Wilson, George Deukmejian and Arnold Schwarzenegger to produce a series of ads which brought down Prop. 66, the three strikes gutting California ballot measure. Nicholas contributed $3 million of his personal fortune to the blizt -- and personally helped produce the TV and radio spots. Only two weeks ago Prop. 66 led in the polls 67-19. But then Nicholas, Schwarzenegger and the former governors kicked into gear. Meanwhile, Dep. District Attorney Ipsen sent out 500,000 copies of his The Insider to folks who had heard about it throught the John and Ken show. And the rest is California electorial history, with the measure going down to defeat 53-47.
Finally, here in Orange County, CA Bush beat Kerry by more than 20 points.
Red state Republicans. Men with wives, kids and guns. Is it a great country or what?
So here's a little wake up call for "kinder, gentler" Republicans -- it's time to buck up and engage. We need to get serious about our country. The left isn't rolling over, it isn't going away and it's not going to play fair. The "compassionate" Republicans have been the perpetual road kill of the left, especially when it really matters -- when judges are nominated for the Federal courts. Unless Republicans get a backbone and figure out how to be serious about the left the prospect on the road ahead continues to be dismal, no matter how many political offices get filled with Republicans busy parking their behinds.
Bottom line: Politics is not beanie bag, the left plays to win, and Georgie and the Bushies need to stop playing like kindergarteners.
He was also champion host last night to the Southern Command of the mighty California Bear Flag League. The ribs were excellent Kevin!! Look for picture here later in the day and see your favorite Bear Flag Leaguers enjoying the election night festivities -- laughing at Dan Rather was a favorite entertainment.
Note well. The margin of victory for the new governor of Washington -- if it holds up -- will most likely be less than 1,000 votes. The Libertarian party candidate for governor received 38,957 votes. In other words, 2% of the vote and about 40 times the margin of victory. Republicans need to think twice about choosing to be the other party of big stupid government. If they want to be that there are millions of limited government believers who would have absolutely no problem watching the Republican party come in 2nd place in race after race around the country. There were 40,000 such voters in the state of Washington alone. Vote totals from Fox are here.
Much more on the Evergreen State results here.
JOHN KERRY,You are unfit for command.
Build a distortion filled propaganda rag for the Democrat left and guess what? -- the people won't come. What a shocker. More here.
And don't forget to vote NO on 66.
40 postings from Patterico explaining why its so important to vote NO on Prop. 66.
NO on Prop. 61 (tax).So it's YES on 64 and 69. NO on 61, 62, 63, NO on 66, 67, NO on 71, 72.
NO on Prop. 62 (Louisiana vote system).
NO on Prop. 63 (tax).
NO on Prop. 66 (guts 3 strikes).
NO on Prop. 67 (tax).
NO on Prop. 71 (tax).
NO on Prop. 72 (sends jobs to Nevada).YES on Prop. 64 (limits lawsuits).
YES on Prop. 69 (DNA database).
The best analysis (with recommendations) of the California Propositions can be found here. See also this thumbnail recap with links to the "Smart Voter" page for each of the propositions.
Of all the outrageous aspects of this year's presidential campaign, nothing exceeds the Old Media's overt mission to defeat President Bush. They've always been biased, but this year, they barely tried to hide it. Because of their bias, a large number of people remain in the dark about who John Kerry really is, which is alarming. I dare say that if they had not sheltered Kerry's past and his official record, if they hadn't conspired with Democrats to bring down President Bush, Kerry would be lucky to receive 40 percent of the popular vote.-- David LimbaughWhy do I say that? Simply because Kerry's left-wing beliefs are drastically out of step with a substantial majority of Americans. The only reason our elections have been so close in recent years is that the Old Media has helped to conceal that the [leftist] fringe has overtaken the Democratic Party. It is the party of Michael Moore, Howard Dean and, yes, John Kerry. If the nation were truly divided along ideological lines, John Kerry wouldn't have to go to such lengths to conceal his support for gay marriage, his unabashed support of abortion, his discomfort with America's autonomy over its own national security, his aversion to national defense, his persistent opposition to the CIA, his consistent sympathy for Communist regimes and his commitment to punishing earned wealth and productivity.
Kerry's [left-wing record] is not all the Old Media have hidden. They have shielded major portions of his past and sugarcoated others. They have deliberately ignored bona fide allegations against Kerry, some of which are substantiated by his own damning admissions. They've not only abrogated their duty to investigate Kerry's conduct, they've often refused to report it at all. Credible claims have been made that John Kerry: cavorted with the North Vietnam enemy in Paris; was present at a meeting in Kansas City in 1971 where serious discussions occurred among his close anti-war confidantes about assassinating U.S. senators; perjuriously testified of alleged atrocities "routinely" committed by American troops in Vietnam; suborned other perjurious testimony in furtherance of his antiwar agenda; grossly exaggerated his own combat exploits and injuries and shamelessly lobbied for medals.
Kerry's own statements prove he committed war atrocities himself; that he wasn't in Cambodia during Christmas despite the experience being "seared" in his memory, and that he couldn't have been entitled to at least one of his Purple Hearts because no enemy fire was involved. Any of these things alone would be sufficient to disqualify a Republican candidate for office. Taken together, they are devastating. But the Old Media remain uninterested.
Their response to a quarter of a thousand decorated Vietnam Swift Boat heroes decrying John Kerry's Vietnam record and anti-war activities has been to slander them and attack their credibility based on tenuous and unsubstantiated alleged connections between them and certain Republican groups. In stark contrast, they have pursued the non-story of President Bush's honorable National Guard service at least five separate times. Even worse, the Old Media have been sordid coconspirators with Democrats throughout the campaign. Dan Rather and CBS participated with Democratic thugs in a forged documents scandal against President Bush and, when caught, unrepentantly stood by the "accuracy" of their fraudulent story.
ABC's political director Mark Halperin issued a memo directing his staff to be tougher on Bush than Kerry in their debate coverage. Newsweek's Evan Thomas boasted that the Old Media would deliver Kerry some 15 points in the popular vote. The New York Times and CBS did an October hit piece on the mythical missing explosives at al-Qaqaa. "Sixty Minutes" delivered another preposterous last-ditch hit on President Bush Sunday before the election alleging he hasn't properly equipped our troops in Iraq.
Worst of all, the Old Media have refused to insist that Kerry respond to any of the allegations about his Vietnam, antiwar or Senate records. They have participated with him in a cover up of Watergate proportions about these and his failure to sign Form 180 to release his military records. They have exhibited a striking incuriosity concerning credible charges that there is something fishy about Kerry's medals. And now, as unfathomable as it may seem, they are ignoring potentially serious questions about the history and status of Kerry's discharge from the Navy.
Can you imagine the lengths to which these "objective pursuers of truth" would have gone had just a fraction of these credible charges surfaced against President Bush? Only after the election will we learn the full truth about John Kerry, whether he wins or loses. And I suspect it's going to shock the daylights out of America.
A member of the Harvard Law School admissions committee recalled that the real reason Mr. Kerry was not admitted [to Harvard law school] was because the committee was concerned that because Mr. Kerry had received a less than honorable discharge they were not sure he could be admitted to any state bar.(via N.Z. Bear who has background linkage and blogosphere reactions).
The Democrats are just our political opponents -- the mainstream media is our enemy.-- Spoons.